Our vision is to achieve a level of sustainable community development with respect to gender equality, in a context of good governance and decentralization, and where most of the population has access to basic social services.
The organization since its establishment works for betterment of vulnerable communities. AVIDE strives for partnership with community to develop a society based on three core values of sustainable human development: self-esteem, freedom of choice and a society where everyone has equal access to opportunities, Health, education, livelihood and justice irrespective of gender and status. We work directly with communities at grass root level during project implementation.
We believe that empowering women and girls with educational and economic opportunities and securing their health and human rights is one of the best investments we can make for families, communities, and the world. Economic empowerment is central to women’s ability to overcome poverty, cope with shocks and improve their well-being. When women realize their economic goals, whether it is growing a business, improving their home, or investing in training or education, they are more resilient and able to provide for themselves and their families. Yet, globally, women continue to trail men in formal labor force participation, land and property ownership, and access to financial services, like credit and savings.

AVIDE has started Women Empowered (WE) program to supports the social and economic empowerment of women through community-based savings groups that will help women save money, access credit, develop financial literacy and invest in income-generating activities. These women’s empowerment programs also shall promote skills building, self-esteem, access to information and resources, and community action that will make women as confident decision-makers and leaders in their homes and communities. The group members gain public speaking and leadership experience, develop a greater sense of identity within their groups, and use the economic empowerment gained through the savings and lending to save for the future and invest in businesses and talk about challenges that women cope with.

Female genital mutilation (FGM) is a global problem in some communities for young girls and one which requires global action to end it. Research on the existence and prevalence of the practice is critical to the efforts to eradicate the practice. Our Organization has initiatedthe program on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) which is focused inhelping and educating a girl child to overcome the challenges and remain safe from the injures and a non-medical process of FGM, where many young girls are being forced to it due cultural norms and beliefs.

End Child Marriage – In many countries where child marriage is widespread, girls are often seen as economic burdens. Girls in households where boys are favored often girls have low self-esteem and little confidence. Empowerment programs for young girls are key to preventing early marriages by improving their self-efficacy. This can be achieved by informing and raising awareness among girls of their basic human rights, their legal right to refuse a marriage, and education programs on health and sex
education. Additionally, empowering girls, by offering them opportunities to gain skills and education, providing support networks and creating ‘safe spaces’ where girls can gather and meet outside the home, can help them to assert their right to choose when to marry and say no to cultural pressures which affects them.