In very populous areas, agro-forestry is the ideal solution for both stabilizing soil and restoring water tables whilst providing economic security for farmers who become dependent and thus protective of their trees. In Tanzania an estimated 70% of the population lives in rural areas, in which most people have their own small farm. With the rapid deforestation of trees our world is quickly changing. Logging, clear cutting, industrial farming, and massive wide-spread fires have left miles of landlifeless. Incredibly diverse and vibrant jungles and forests have been reduced to dry and barren landscapes. Our ecosystems will collapse and most of terrestrial life will suffer tragic loss.

For humanity to fix these issues we must simply; plant as many trees as possible to continue to sustain life as we know it. We have initiated tree planting projects which are done by school students and farmers these groups of people are used as the key personnel to fulfill our goals of planting trees. We are planting trees in areas that are critically affected like roadsides, school compounds, homesteads and mountains.

We are supporting farmers to be educated in agroforestry techniques such as alley cropping, contour planting, boundary planting, forest gardens, fodder
plots, woodlots, live fences, windbreaks and also sustainable agriculture practices including kitchen gardens, composting, use of green manure and nitrogen fixing species to reduce reliance on inorganic fertilizers.