AVIDE focuses especially on working with kids from disadvantaged backgrounds using the power of sport to improve education, raise health awareness and build lifeskills. Our organization works in partnership with schools around us to improve school sport and ensure all children can take part in competitive sport and increase their activity levels.

Exercise in children helps them focus better on school, retain more information, and build selfconfidence. Sport unites people across gender, race, religion, and socioeconomic backgrounds. It is an educational tool which fosters cognitive development; teaches social behavior; and helps to integrate communities; sport has the power to transform lives.

We use sport as a tool for peace and development on gender equality especially for more girls to participate in sport activities, where women are less frequently
seen participating in sports activities than men. Our programs use sport to help children learn lifelong skills as an incentive for the children to improve their scholarship. We use Sport as a tool to reach personal and community goals. These methods are geared towards children and teenagers in underprivileged
rural areas. We motivate children to be confident, physically competent, knowledgeable, value to undertake responsibility to engage in physical activity for life.