Agriculture is the main part of Tanzania`s economy. As of 2016, Tanzania
had over 44 million hectares of arable land with only 33 percent of this
amount in cultivation. Almost 70 percent of the poor population lives in
rural areas, and almost all of them are involved in the farming sector.
Land is a vital asset in ensuring food security. The agricultural industry
makes a large contribution to the country foreign exchange earnings.
Challenges on farmers range from lack of modern agricultural technology, inadequate water on dry seasons to floods. These pose severe challenges to the living standards of most people involved in the agriculture industry and lead to increase in unemployment, malnutrition and starvation.

AVIDE focuses on both advocacy and training to reduce poverty and increase productivity. Farming efficiently has been a challenge for many farmers, and inadequate finance and farming education has caused many to remain subsistence farmers. Provision of education to farmers on use of modern farming methods to reduce the waste of resources and increase standards of living.

We focus on educating farmers to use modern sustainable methods which will remain harmless to the environment to protect and nourish natural resources to prevent climate change and protect natural resources such as rivers and forest. We hope to bring change on these among the important pillars of most people’s livelihood.
In relation to extensive networks and community relationships for corporations, foundations or investors. We understand rural markets and appropriate technologies and can make the business case for reaching and including marginalized groups.
We help communities produce products that meet market standards, empowering them to earn livelihoods, provide for their families, and educate their children.